Hops Absolute Oil...

Hops Absolute Oil has a warm, spicy aroma that makes it a vital agent for manufacturing industry and the undertone reminds many of beer. Absolute oil is steam distilled or steam and water distilled from the Hops Oil. Hops Oil is produced in Germany, France and occasionally in other countries in Central Europe, in England, etc. It is widely used in wine industry. It can also be used directly on body as skin safe oil. Owing to its spicy fragrance it is also widely used in aromatherapy healing process.

Originating in China, the first documented instance of Hop cultivation was in 736, in the Hallertau region of present-day Germany. Brief mention is made of Hops in various herbal medicine traditions, but it was around the year 1100 A.C.E. when the herb would come into its own as a key ingredient in the brewing of beer. In the late fifteenth century, the town of Norwich, England, banned the use of Hops in brewing, and in early sixteenth century Britain, hops were condemned as a "wicked and pernicious weed," but the genie was out of the proverbial bottle - demand was so great that Hops were imported from other parts of Europe. It was not until the 17th century that Hops were grown in the Americas. Hops today are enjoying a moment in the brewing spotlight, as the heavily-hopped variety of beer known as India Pale Ale (IPA) has become quite popular.

Hops flower essential oil is most popular for its ability to induce sleep for people who suffer from insomnia or general restlessness. It is also used as antimicrobial and disinfectant. It has been used to treat asthma, skin rashes, stress, nervousness, headaches, stomach aches, coughing and menstrual cramps in women. It also helps prevent and expel gas and acts as a diuretic.

Hops Essential Oil is often blended with Valerian and Passion Flower both sedatives to create sleeping inducing blends. Hops Oil is also calming and used to de-stress. It is an excellent oil to counter free floating anxiety. It is being studied for it cancer protective properties in women. The sedative quality of the herb is found in the glandular hairs of the fruiting body which produce lupulin, a sedative and hypnotic drug. Hops are used in brewing, to add bitterness and act as a preservative. Hops and marijuana belong to the hemp family. Like hemp, hop stems were used for fiber to make cloth and paper. An absolute is made for perfumes. The herb seems to have estrogenic properties, but they seem to be absent in the oil. The fresh hop fruits can cause hypersomnia, vomiting, profuse perspiration and over-excitement.

Benefit & Uses: Hops have long been used in the production of beers in Germany. It is also used for anodyne (relieves pain), anthelmintic, diuretic, febrifuge, hypnotic, nervine, sedative, soporific, tonic, an aphrodisiac and stomachic.

Hops flower oil has a variety of spiritual uses. A natural sedative and somnolent, its most apparent use is in the area of dreaming magic. Of particular interest is the fact that the most often-used part of the plant is the female portion, which may figure into some aspects of spiritual/magical work. Also worthy of note is the an aphrodisiac property of Hops; it naturally dampens the sex drive, and should be considered by those practicing celibacy in their spiritual work, and likewise avoided by those engaging in love or sex magic.

Used for skin eruptions and wounds. Good for varicose ulcers. Relieve tension in muscles throughout the body. Keeps skin soft and supple and delays wrinkling.


The Hops absolute oil is for EXTERNAL USE ONLY and it should always be diluted with suitable carrier oil such as Sweet Almond Oil before applying to the skin. Keep it away from children and pets. It is non-toxic and non-irritant but with possible sensitization in some individuals. Do not use if subject to depression. Use in moderation for asthma, dermatitis, headaches, insomnia, menstrual cramp, nervous dyspepsia, nervous tension, neuralgia, rashes, rough skin, spasmodic cough, stress, ulcers.

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